Gate 19: Approach - The Gate of Wanting

Gate 19: Approach - The Gate of Wanting

Intro to the Gates of Human Design -

In Human Design, a Gate is like an energetic "key" that defines specific traits, behaviors, or qualities in a human. Gates are part of the BodyGraph, which is the central chart in Human Design, and they correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the i'Ching, and the Gene Keys...

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In 2025, The Sun will sit in Gate 19 from January 26th - February 1st.

Significance of Gate 19

Gate 19, known as The Gate of Wanting or Approach, carries the energy of sensitivity and the drive to connect with others to fulfill mutual needs and desires. It represents a deep yearning for closeness, both emotional and physical, and the awareness of what is required to create harmony in relationships and communities.

Humans need their basic needs met first; food, water, shelter, safety; and then we also have a need for connection to spirit or faith. Located in the Root Center, this gate fuels the pursuit and distribution of resources and support systems to ensure survival for close family, community, and eventually the global community.

Someone with this Gate defined might be extra sensitive to when resources are out of alignment, craving to create justice within the distribution and availability of these things (including access to spirit, source, God, the Universe, etc). At its core, it seeks to bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual.

At its highest expression, Gate 19 embodies the energy of interdependence, fostering relationships, supporting leaders, and creating communities that honor both individual needs and collective well-being.

The lower expression of Gate 19 comes when we feed into the pressure of the Root Center. This can be experienced as oversensitivity and addiction to being needed; "Doesn't anyone care about me? or "When will I get my needs met?"

Whenever we find ourselves experiencing the Not-Self, we must always remember to come back to our intuition by using our Strategy & Authority over anything else.

The Channel of Synthesis 19 - 49

The Design of Sensitivity

Gate 19 comes from the Root Center and reaches towards Gate 49 of the Solar Plexus. Gate 49 is all about principles and is known as The Gate of Revolution. This channel is powerful to work with, especially since our next evolution of homo sapiens resides in the Solar Plexus.

These two Gates can work together in harmony by being sensitive to the imbalance of resources and feeling the issues of why these resources are imbalanced in the first place. A revolution will only happen if it is needed.

Deeper Understanding of Gate 19

Hexagram 19: Approach

The Hexagram originates with the ancient Chinese i'Ching - the original oracle that many Chinese business persons still consult today.

Hexagram 19, Approach, highlights a collective moment of becoming close with sincerity. This energy encourages openness and attentiveness, fostering collaboration and mutual respect in relationships and communities. It symbolizes the readiness to take steps toward new beginnings while remaining mindful of timing and the needs of others.

On a broader scale, this hexagram invites humanity to deepen its connection to the natural world, nurturing harmony and balance between individuals, society, and the environment. It reminds us that true progress arises from approaching life with humility, sensitivity, and a willingness to serve the greater whole.

The 19th Gene Key

The Gene Keys are deeply related to Human Design in the same way the Chinese i'Ching is. Using the wisdom of the Gene Keys to understand the energy of the Gates of Human Design is powerful beyond words.

There are 3 different manifestations of the Gene Keys that align with where the human's frequency lies.

  1. Shadow is a low vibrational frequency that most of humanity is stuck in. This would be translated as the No-Self in Human Design. This human isn't living in alignment with their energy and usually isn't aware that they are stuck in this Shadow frequency (if they are aware, they might also just be ignoring their own transcendence due to comfortability of fear).
  2. Gift is a higher vibrational frequency that some of us can reach if we allow ourselves to transmute our vibration into a higher plane of existence; this only comes once we understand and face the Shadow within.
  3. Siddhi (pronounced like city) is the highest manifestation of this energy that only manifests in certain humans at specific times in their life path and gene discovery. This can be associated with true enlightenment.

Shadow - Co-dependence

The shadow of co-dependence in the 19th Gene Key arises from a deep-rooted fear of disconnection and relying too much on external validation or support for a sense of security. At this frequency, the energy of Gate 19, which naturally seeks connection and mutual support, becomes distorted into (unhealthy) co-dependency. This shadow manifests as a tendency to compromise personal boundaries, values, or authenticity in order to maintain relationships or gain approval from others.

On a collective level, this shadow can manifest as societal systems of dependency, where people or groups rely on external structures (such as governments, institutions, or relationships) for security, rather than cultivating self-reliance and inner resources. It perpetuates cycles of disempowerment and reinforces the fear of separation.

Gift - Sensitivity

The Gift of Sensitivity in the 19th Gene Key represents a profound emotional and energetic attunement to the needs of others, the environment, and the subtle realms of life. Sensitivity in this context is a strength; it is the ability to feel deeply and respond with grace and awareness to the nuances of the human experience. At this frequency, the fear-based dynamics of co-dependence are transformed into a balanced and empowered state of interdependence.

This Gift serves as a bridge between worlds — between the material and spiritual, the emotional and physical, the seen and unseen. It allows you to act as a unifying presence, connecting people, ideas, and energies in ways that foster balance and growth.

Siddhi - Sacrifice

The Siddhi of Sacrifice in the 19th Gene Key represents the ultimate transcendence of individuality, where personal identity dissolves into service to the whole. At this highest frequency, sacrifice is not about loss or suffering but the complete surrender of the ego to divine will. It embodies a state of profound union with all of existence, where every action, thought, and expression becomes an offering to the sacredness of life.

The Siddhi of Sacrifice reminds us that true spiritual evolution requires letting go of the illusion of separateness. It calls humanity to remember its sacred connection to all of life and to act in harmony with the whole. At this level, sacrifice is not a burden but a natural state of being—an offering of love that transcends all boundaries.

Check out the Events page to see when you can join the enxt Virtual Workshop to dive deeper into the energy of specific Gates of Human Design and ask you favorite Human Design Guide questions about your chart!


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